Jimmy Star is asked..If you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self?

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Q: If you could go back in time what would you tell your younger self?

Jimmy Star: Try harder. Don’t give up. Negotiate more. Don’t be afraid to start new things. Don’t waste time by starting a new thing when you don’t have to.

Go by people’s actions, not their words. Don’t wait for the right moment, you can start now if you came up with the concept. It’s takes more time to explain an idea than to do it. Take the initiative and build the team.

Make your own opportunities. Your world is made by you. Trust your instincts, and good friends. If it seems like a bad idea, or too good to be true, it probably is. You will be the only one who regrets not living your life. Haters want you to fail, prove them wrong.

Someday, you won’t care what people think of you, start now.
~ Jimmy

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