6 Colour Trends That Look So Chic Worn with Blue Jeans

6 Colour Trends That Look So Chic Worn with Blue Jeans

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the best jeans, it’s that they’re practically a blank canvas. You’d be hard-pressed to find a colour that doesn’t work with them in some way. That’s what makes classic blue denim such a staple—you can throw on almost anything, and it will likely look fine. But looking fine and looking elevated are two very different things.

Some colour trends, while technically compatible with blue jeans, don’t add much to the outfit. They blend in or, conversely, can stand out in ways you might not want them to. Others, however, have an undeniable ability to make denim look effortlessly polished. They bring contrast, richness, or just the right level of sophistication, making even the most casual jeans-and-top combination feel intentional. These colours work across seasons, pair beautifully with both light and dark blue washes, and—most importantly—never feel dated.