Norman Lear Left a Message to You and Me By Howard Bloom

Norman Lear died Tuesday, December 5th,  at the age of 101 at his home in LA.  The headlines mourn his passing.  What they miss is his victory. Norman Lear lived to be 101 years old.  That’s a startling achievement.  Why was Lear able to live so

Norman Lear Left a Message to You and Me By Howard Bloom

The Suicide Paradox By Howard Bloom

At 10:52 Wednesday morning, The Wall Street Journal reported new data from the National Center for Health Statistics on suicide in the United States.  The data was shocking. According to the Journal, last year close to 50,000 Americans committed suicide.  That’s the highest

The Suicide Paradox By Howard Bloom

Weaponizing Children By Howard Bloom

Israel has declared that it now has control over the biggest hospital in Gaza, a hospital built by an Israeli architect, al Shifa Hospital. Why attack a hospital with numerous buildings, a staff of 700, 650 patients and up to 3,000 people

Weaponizing Children By Howard Bloom

Does Hamas Love Death? By Howard Bloom

There’s a Muslim phrase you need to know if you’re going to understand the war in Gaza and Israel. It’s a phrase that militant Islamic Jihadists have used from Chechnya to Lebanon:   “We love death more than you love life.”  Keep that

Does Hamas Love Death? By Howard Bloom

Why Is Hamas Brutal? By Howard Bloom

We all know what happened Saturday.  Or we think we know.   Gaza fired what it said were 5,000 rockets at civilian targets in Israel.  And Hamas fighters infiltrated Israel using a massive bulldozer to tear a hole in the smart fence draped with

Why Is Hamas Brutal? By Howard Bloom

Please Don’t Cripple Kids, Don’t Take Away Their Social Media By Howard Bloom

The attack on social media just won’t stop. Three weeks ago, on August 8, the Child Mind Organization updated a report on its website headlined, “Does Social Media Use Cause Depression?”  The answer was basically yes. Meanwhile, anonymous backers of the Kids Online

Please Don’t Cripple Kids, Don’t Take Away Their Social Media By Howard Bloom