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…and after you do? https://twitter.com/DrJimmyStar Tweet Jimmy Star and tell him you did! He might retweet you himself! (He runs his personal account, seriously). ________________ share this page: [cherry_sharing networks=”facebook,twitter,googleplus,pinterest,linkedin,tumblr,stumbleupon,reddit”] Find “The Jimmy Star Show” with Ron Russell on the sites below:

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Jimmy Star Interviewing Lew Temple (The Walking Dead) | On Location | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

Jimmy Star Interviewing Lew Temple (The Walking Dead) | On Location #JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar @JimmyStarsWorld Celebrity Interviewer Jimmy Star speaking with Lew Temple, best known for The Walking Dead, Unstoppable, Lawless, Deja Vu and the Devils Rejects. ________________ share this page: [cherry_sharing

Jimmy Star Interviewing Lew Temple (The Walking Dead) | On Location | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar
Jimmy Star Interviewing Lew Temple (The Walking Dead) | On Location | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

Ladylake Music Superstars and Ghost Stalkers Chad Lindberg on The “JimmyStarShow | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar

Ladylake Music Superstars and Ghost Stalkers Chad Lindberg on The Jimmy Star Show | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar Ladylake Music superstars Cindy D’Adamo and Jen Andujar along with the stars of Ghost Stalkers Chad Lindberg and John E.L. Tenney join us

Ladylake Music Superstars and Ghost Stalkers Chad Lindberg on The “JimmyStarShow | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar
Ladylake Music Superstars and Ghost Stalkers Chad Lindberg on The “JimmyStarShow | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar

Archive of Interviews | Clifton Collins Jr. & Lew Temple on August 5, 2015 | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

[cherry_sharing networks=”facebook,twitter,googleplus,pinterest,linkedin,tumblr,stumbleupon,reddit”] Archive of Interviews | Clifton Collins Jr. and Lew Temple on August 5, 2015 ________________ share this page: [cherry_sharing networks=”facebook,twitter,googleplus,pinterest,linkedin,tumblr,stumbleupon,reddit”] Find “The Jimmy Star Show” with Ron Russell on the sites below: [cherry_button text=”www.JimmyStarShow.com” url=”http://jimmystarshow.com” style=”default” size=”extra-small” centered=”no” icon=”icon: fa

Archive of Interviews | Clifton Collins Jr. & Lew Temple on August 5, 2015 | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar
Archive of Interviews | Clifton Collins Jr. & Lew Temple on August 5, 2015 | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

Actor/Singer Riley Smith on The #JimmyStarShow with Ron Russell | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar

Actor/Singer Riley Smith on “The Jimmy Star Show” With Ron Russell | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar Super Talented Actor and Singer Riley Smith joins Jimmy Star and Ron Russell on “The Jimmy Star Show” for great conversation, laughs and an all

Actor/Singer Riley Smith on The #JimmyStarShow with Ron Russell | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar
Actor/Singer Riley Smith on The #JimmyStarShow with Ron Russell | #tv #show @JimmyStarShow cc @DrJimmyStar

Jimmy Star Interviewing Legendary Actor Jack McGee | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

Jimmy Star Interviewing Legendary Actor Jack McGee | #JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar ________________ share this page: [cherry_sharing networks=”facebook,twitter,googleplus,pinterest,linkedin,tumblr,stumbleupon,reddit”] Find “The Jimmy Star Show” with Ron Russell on the sites below: [cherry_button text=”www.JimmyStarShow.com” url=”http://jimmystarshow.com” style=”default” size=”extra-small” centered=”no” icon=”icon: fa fa-thumbs-up” bg_color=”#800000″ color=”#ffffff” target=”_blank”] [cherry_button text=”TJSS

Jimmy Star Interviewing Legendary Actor Jack McGee | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar
Jimmy Star Interviewing Legendary Actor Jack McGee | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar