“The Jimmy Star Show” w Ron Russell | Intro/Guest Reel | Live TV/Radio Show | Wed | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

“The Jimmy Star Show” w Ron Russell | Intro/Guest Reel | Live TV/Radio Show | Wed | @JimmyStarShow @DrJimmyStar

“The Jimmy Star Show” with Ron Russell | Introduction & Guest Reel | Live TV/Radio Show | Wednesdays 3:-5:00pm ET | 12:-2:00pm PT

2 million average listeners a week.
“The Jimmy Star Show” is the #1 webshow in the world, with 4+ million plays on Soundcloud. For respectful comparison, Jimmy Star (King of Cool) has 1.25+ mil on his personal Twitter account, Howard Stern (King of All Media) has 1.6+ mil on his personal account, & Chris Hardwick (The Nerdist) has 3.2+ mil.

Reach: The total reach of “The Jimmy Star Show” is 86.5 million from combined outlets. “The Jimmy Star Show” is broadcast to 50+ million iHeart Radio subscribers, 20+ million television subscribers (Roku, Google, Apple TV), & 16.5 million radio listeners.

Show Format: Round table discussion & fast paced conversations with celebrity friends & guests keeping an upbeat, professional, & optimistic mood. Engaging conversations about entertainment industry insider ideas along with cutting edge music, movies, tv, & pop culture previews.

Duration: Each show is a live two hour tv/radio program, with 2 interviews averaging 30 minutes each.

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