Monique Angele “Alive” by Eileen Shapiro

Monique Angele “Alive” by Eileen Shapiro

Canadian born, Australia based recoding sensation Monique Angele is set to release her newest music on September 7th entitled “Alive”, a beautiful alternative/pop, classic, soul EP inspired by life.

“I was inspired to release this album because I wanted to create something that pushed the boundaries in regards to songwriting, production and subjective matter. I believe each song dives into the raw emotions and passions of what it feels like to be “alive” and shows to not be afraid to express oneself fully. The songs range from ethereal bliss, political change, depression and love”…..the artist

Monique loves performing live and has done concerts throughout Canada and Australia. Her classically trained sonic ability has a peaceful and refreshing flavor, while her lyrics are relevant and hopeful. I spoke with Monique regarding her music and how a girl from Canada wound up in the land down under…

Monique was a blast to talk to. She was vivacious and effervescent and very positive. All of those qualities seem to reflect within her music as well…

Where are you from originally and how did you wind up in Australia?

I’m from Canada but have been living in Australia for the pas three years. I was on a working holiday visa just traveling around and then my partner got a job there.

So how long have you been doing music?

For a long time, like 18 years or so. I studied classical music first and then I dived into writing my own stuff.

Where do you want to go with your music? What’s your musical goal?

I think mainly just to keep creating new things, sounds. To try not to think about it too much. I just want to keep evolving. I want to keep performing. Performing is my favorite thing to do, and writing. So, I want to keep trying to do that.

What do you enjoy most about performing live?

That is different every time. The audience is different every time, the location and the environment is very different. It brings challenges but also is very interesting. I tried to play with the audience and see how they respond to it. I try to play songs that I think they would like.

Where do you mostly perform, in Australia?

I’ve done a lot of Canadian shows. I perform in Australia. I did one in London not to long ago, so I just kind of go everywhere.

What inspired you to do this album? What motivated you and what message if any are you trying to get out there?

These are songs I kind of wrote a while ago. My message is just about human emotion and dealing with life in a way. A lot of it is personal experiences. That’s why I called it ‘Alive”, because I needed a title that encompasses the whole vibe of what it means to be alive. There is a song about depression, there is a song about love, there is a song about anger, it’s kind of a mixed emotion thing all based on my personal life and things that I’ve had to deal with. It’s about the way I feel about the world and things like that.

If you could have an ultimate stage fantasy, what would that be?

Probably to open for one of my favorite bands.

Who is your favorite band?

One of those is Muse.

If you could say anything to your fans and followers what would that be? What would you want them to know about you?

I think that I just try to be real and not to sound like anyone else. I want to express what I want to express organically. I think it is important to just be yourself and not worry about what other people think of your music, and think of you. I used to be more self-conscious about that but now I just don’t really care about that. I think that people kind of know the songs and I think they appreciate it.

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