Ike Avelli will be a guest on The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell live on Wednesday November 22nd, 2017 from 3-5 pm ET | 12-2 pm PT at w4cy.com Radio | Visit www.jimmystarshow.com
Comedian Ike Avelli will be a featured guest on The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell live radio/tv show hosted by King of Cool Jimmy Star along with Cool Man About Town Ron Russell to discuss his Christmas Show “You’re A Mean One, Ike Avelli” , his career and the entertainment industries at large. The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell is tv/radio’s coolest hit show, featuring the coolest in music, entertainment, fashion and pop culture, all from a fun industry insider perspective in a completely live, unedited fast-paced two-hour conversational format.
Ike Avelli began his career in 2009 as a ‘last minute’ fill in at a Christmas Party doing Stand Up comedy. The sound of laughter sealed the deal, and he would continue to write/perform his own material.
Some of his idols are Joan Rivers, Sandra Bernhard, Rodney Dangerfield, Whoopi Goldberg and Chelsea Handler.
Since 2009, he has performed at many venues around the U.S.: Las Vegas, NV; NYC; Atlantic City, NJ; Windsor, CT; Philadelphia, PA; Hollywood, FL to name a few.
He is a supporter of the LGBT Community and has performed for LIFEbeat (lifebeat.org), The Imperial Court of NY (ICNY.org), and Gay Men’s Health Crisis (gmhc.org).
He has appeared on many talk shows around the country as well as Radio shows such as Artists Exposed with Tym Moss and has appeared in the LGBT publications of GET OUT Magazine and NEXT Magazine.
Since 2013, Ike Wrote, Produced and Starred in 7 original shows “I’ve Slept My Way To The Top….Twice”(2013) , “Ike Avelli Is Coming To Town” (2014) , “50 Shades of Gay” (2015), “Love On A DEAD END Street” (2016) , “I Thought I Would Be Dead By Now” (2016), “You’re A Mean One, Ike Avelli” (2016) and “The Book Of Ike” (2017) in different cities and all shows were PACKED HOUSES!
“50 Shades of Gay” was a hit in NYC during PRIDE and SOLD OUT The Taj Mahal in Atlantic City Saturday September 12th, 2015. The Huffington Post called it “the performance of the summer”, while hailing Ike Avelli as the “mastermind of creativity”.
He was nominated for the 2013/2015 Glam Award for Best Comedy Performer.
Winner of the Get Out Magazine LGBT 2014 Comedian of the Year.
The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell is pleased to showcase the expertise and talent of Ike Avelli and all anticipate a fun and informative time talking with him about his career and the entertainment industries at large. Join King of Cool Jimmy Star, and Cool Man about Town Ron Russell as they have a playful and sometimes wild time with the talented featured guest!
To hear/watch Ike Avelli live on The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell tune in to W4CY Radio on Wednesday September 13th, 2017 from 3-5 pm ET and 12-2 pm PT online at www.w4cy.com from anywhere in the world!
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