Jared Weiss: “Isolated Thunderstorms” by Eileen Shapiro

Jared Weiss: “Isolated Thunderstorms” by Eileen Shapiro

New York City based rocker Jared Weiss has recently released his new full -length album entitled, “Isolated Thunderstorms”, a story telling, rock extravaganza depicting his own heart felt experience of love lost.

“Isolated Thunderstorms is an auto-biographical confession born out of a life and the need to tell the truth. I threw away the love of my life because I was too sick to care. My mind was warped. I hit rock bottom. What choices did I make to get to this place of isolation? In order to re-examine the tragic macabre moments of my life, I first had to embrace them. I don’t know if I understand them, but Isolated Thunderstorms is my response to my examination”.. the artist…

Jared performs extensively in New York City in some of the most known and popular venues in Manhattan including, Joe’s Pub, 54 Below, Rockwood Music Hall, Lincoln Center Library, and Laurie Beechman Theater. He is also an actor who has recently created the role of Bob Dylan in Larry Mollin’s folk musical play “Search: Paul Clayton”.

Jared Weiss was intimately candid regarding his story and his heart-break. His music reflects a subject not often visited so specifically in music. His sound celebrates rock to the fullest.

So you’re based out of New York?

Right after College I moved to Brooklyn and I’ve been here for nine years.

Tell me about your news release. Seems very rock n roll.

Yeah, it’s very rock n roll. I thought I was going to go in and write a folk record, but I clearly kind of failed. As I was going through everything, going through more macabre moments of my life I realized it needed to be expressed in completely different ways because they are all completely different situations. So effectively my producer and I figured out away to do multiple genres. I call it a bit of a genre lapper. At the same time use my voice and my lyrics as kind of a through line, sort of a bitter, hard rocking….kind of a depressed place. You eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel in a 6 1/2 minute song.

Is there a message that you’re trying to relate to the world?

I guess if there is one, it’s “be true to yourself and don’t lie to the people around you”. That’s what I learned. I guess that’s what I learned most from it. I had just broken up with my girlfriend. I thought I was at fault, I was doing a lot of drugs, and speed, and drinking. I just lost all objectivity, and lost the ability to express myself. Finally I got some clarity. I realize that I had just pushed her away for no apparent reason. I feel like I lost the love of my life, and I had to explore all of that. I felt like I owe it to myself to explore why this happened. It seemed like I’ve been through far too many catastrophic moments for a 32 year-old guy from Westchester. So I tried to catalog it all. I just learned about myself in the process. So if there’s a message it would probably be to not be afraid to say what troubles you most. There is nothing that can’t be said.

Can’t you go make up with her?

I wish. I tried. That’s the thing, I waited too long afterwards. It happened in December 2016 and it was three days before Christmas. I was a mess. She asked if she should come over for Christmas to my folks place, and I told her “Nah, I don’t think so”. I was just a complete ass-hole. I just didn’t talk to her. I cut off communication from the whole world for months. Then in August of 2017 when I finally got my shit together, she had moved on emotionally. I’m still processing that. I’m writing down all these truths that I experienced, saying them now when I couldn’t say them, at least musically. That’s helped me get through it a little better.

At least you’re very honest.

I’ve always tried to be honest, but I guess the exception of that was hiding the truth. Not lying isn’t the same as being honest.

I like that. Do you do music for a living?

I do. I went to NYU for vocal performance. I do a lot of musical theatre. I was raised in musical theater. My mom was a musical theater ingénue. She was always singing around the house. I graduated with a degree that will do nothing for me. I have a bachelor of music degree, and I don’t like listing it on my resume, because I don’t like writing the words B.M. So I started writing B.M.U. S., I saw that on a couple of other people’s CDs. I’ve been working Off-Broadway and in the Cabaret scene for the past decade. There is one composer I work with a lot, his name is Joe Iconis. He’s definitely my favorite artist musically compose-wise. So we do a lot of rock n roll theatre concerts, stuff from his musicals which are quite off the beaten track. I like those rock ‘n’ roll musicals. When I figured out that I could kind of merge the two, or at least find a world where those two fit together, I was really happy about it. I figured it out when I saw rent. I was sold on that. I was sold on rock ‘n’ roll and theater.

So where can one find you in Manhattan?

At the Laurie Beechman Theater, also 54 Below, …..those are cabaret spots. I enjoy being on stage and being in front of a live audience, but there’s a part of me that wishes people just weren’t eating dinner while I was performing. There is also Rockwood and Pianos, and Bowery Electric.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IigwcM3ygxs&list=PLS8_HpcQkxASjRlYT7_ndfADl_7xkF2GO

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IsolatedThunderstorms/
Instagram: @jaredmarcelweiss
Twitter: @JaredWeiss
Website: http://www.jared-weiss.com

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