#Video by @jodijones | Drummer @AaronABrooks Aaron A. Brooks #jimmystarshow #guest

#Video by @jodijones | Drummer @AaronABrooks Aaron A. Brooks #jimmystarshow #guest

Video of drummer Aaron A. Brooks by @jodijones
From @AaronABrooks Twitter:
“Drummer for Leisure Cruise, Angela McCluskey, Jackie Cruz, Moby & The Little Death, Mark Hudson and a Touring-Recording-Performing Percussive badass.”
Aaron A. Brooks Wikipedia

#JimmyStarsWorld #playlist | Drums by Aaron Kinsley-Brooks (aka @Aaron A. Brooks)

Click here to see Press Release for #jimmystarshow #interview of @AaronABrooks

Added by #JimmyStarsWorld Team by request of @DrJimmyStar

Click below to see posts with @jimmystarshow #guests
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