Howard Bloom: “Einstein, Michael Jackson & Me” by Eileen Shapiro

Like a raging tsunami or a free spirit with a wild heart, author, scientist, former superstar music publicist Howard Bloom is an anomaly in many different realms. Most recently Bloom has released his newest book, “Einstein, Michael Jackson & Me: A Search

Howard Bloom: “Einstein, Michael Jackson & Me” by Eileen Shapiro
Howard Bloom: “Einstein, Michael Jackson & Me” by Eileen Shapiro

Sam Fishman: “End of Time” by Eileen Shapiro

Just released from recording artist Sam Fishman, is an audaciously powerful, musically ingenious, insanely relevant full length masterpiece of an album entitled, “End of Time”. The record is a collaboration of vocals, and sonic elation, infused with a story telling, progressive rock

Sam Fishman: “End of Time” by Eileen Shapiro
Sam Fishman: “End of Time” by Eileen Shapiro