#Interview – Terry Cedar by Rock Star Journalist Eileen Shapiro

#Interview – Terry Cedar by Rock Star Journalist Eileen Shapiro

Every once in a while there is a person who dedicates his life to in the music industry, works hard at it, loves it, but never realizes any appreciation, or recognition for his efforts. Terry Cedar is one of those musical, whimsical and forever giving souls.

I met Terry originally at an Adam Ant concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London, were he is from, when he was mistaken by some journalist for Boy George. Yes, he does sport a Boy George type of look, however when I met him I was happy to become his friend just for the person that he really is.

Starting his career as an intern for the Eurythmics, then owning a record shop, managing bands, and becoming a DJ, he has finally decided to release his own record next year….

I know that you do a multitude of things regarding the music industry, let’s talk about some of them.

I’m a DJ, and I’m going to be recording an album next year, half in covers and half original songs. I’m writing the lyrics with all these different singers, song writers, and artists. I’ll be covering “Mohawk” by Adam Ant eventually. I found the right singer but I need to get a budget. I’m doing one single at a time. 

Does it have a name yet?

It’s “Terry Topcat Purrsents”. It’s basically introducing people to some great songs like Dave Stewart, White Snake, War, Adam Ant, ELO, and then featuring some well known artists and some artists I’ve managed or know who are really great and who people should know about. 

What type of music do you play when you DJ?

I prefer to do everything as a collaboration. So I collaborate with this DJ called DJ Fire, but at the moment I’m doing a couple by myself. Long sets, 4/5 hours. I play hip hop, soul, funk, reggae, all old-school, nothing really new. 

So when I come to the U.K. In December will you be playing somewhere so that I can see you in action?

I’d love to, that’s the plan when Fire comes back I’m going to try and do as many as possible. I’m having a party every month. I tried to have a gay night but North London is quite difficult. I don’t mind DJing on the gay scene, gay or straight, as long as people like the music and there’s a good vibe, and people to dance. The gay scene is difficult to get into because they have their own set of DJs, like Fat Tony, and Princess Julia…..

The Gay scene in New York doesn’t support each other as much as they should.

It’s so true. That’s why, you’re going to meet this guy Colby, he’s amazing, and Aaron…I mean I’m not a competitive person, if someone’s fabulous I’ll support them. I’m not in competition with anybody, I want everybody to shine. You’re right, a lot of gays don’t support each other. It’s the same in the U.K. 

You’ve been in the music industry for a while haven’t you?

I’ve been involved with the music business indirectly for 25 years. When I started off I worked as an intern for Dave Stewart from the Eurythmics. He had a publishing label. It was a fantastic experience. Dave Stewart wasn’t actually there, he also had the recording studios across the road which I didn’t go to. It was temporary but I became friends with some of the artists, and are still friends with him. First single is going to be a tribute to Dave Stewart, one of his solo songs. Will Crewdson from Adam’s band was signed to the publishing as well with Rachel Stamp. He was connected with Dave Stewart somehow.

After that? 

Then I started doing management. I managed a rock band, a male singer, a white soul singer. Then I went into music promotions, live music promotions. I found  it really difficult. I tried  the record company route, again its who you know. So I’ve always tried to do it by myself. Along the way I’ve always met some fabulous artists that I’ve become friends with. So live music has always been a big thing for me. My dad use to be a big DJ back in the day, which he doesn’t like talking about. My brother makes music too, so music has always been kind of prominent in the family. 

So right now aside from doing some really great interviews on Facebook, what are you up to?

I want to get my own radio show that I can play music that I like and that all of these unsigned bands can be on. Also I want to do some presenting, or interviewing like I’m doing right now either in New York or the U.K. Anything to do with media, make my album and do some DJing. That’s what I really want to focus on.

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